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Tim Burton's movie

 I chose Tim Burton's movie. I watched many works, I was favorite 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. The reason why Nightmare Before Christmas is Disney Movie and I love Disney!!!

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel was released in 2019. This movie's director is Nia Dacosta. And the main charactor is Brie Larson. Larson got many awards including, the award for Best Actress in 2015's MTV movie Awards Fight Award. Captain Marvel was a big hit!!!! This movie's box office was over 4 hundred million dollars. The main charactor who has lost her memory is an elite female combatant living on the planet "Hara". She met Nick Fully before the formation of the Avengers on Earth America in the 1990's, which she visited. During her mission, she regained her lost memories of her truth while working with him. And became aware of their mission. This movie has a lot of battle scenes, Especially the scene where the main charactor Carol releases her power and fights at the end was very moving!!

Movie Director (Ben Affleck)

 I chose the direcor Ben Afflack and I watched the trailar for "Argo". I want to watch the whole movie because this work is so reality and I thought recreatring the current situation.

Christpher Nolan's movies

 I love to watch Christpher Nolan's movie. Espicially I love Badman at avengers series. I think Badman is so weak in avengers members. So I like he is performing movies. It is dinamic and I surprised his movie.

Stanly Kubric Movie

 Today I felt so bad, so I didn't go college. I checked todys work on Kevins website. I don't know Stanly Kubric. So I searched his work. I knowing Shining. Shining movie was so scary I remember!!!

Alfred Hitchcock's Movie

 I first time to hear his name. And I don't know his works. But in this class I watched his works. I interested in "Phycho". This work is so mystery. I like mystery work. I want to know future content on mystery work.

Steven Spielberg's Movie

 I love Steven Spielberg's Movies. Espicially I like Indy Jones. Because I love Disney Land. And this movie is so exciting!!! When he stole the treasure, suddenly rock is rolling behind him. That scene I like!!!